We keep our ear to the ground for the interesting stats, insights and discussion points you need to feel in the know.

1. Balancing act

man working on architectural drawings

CEOs are feeling more resilient. They feel better – or at least less bad – about their immediate future and the steps they need to take to generate capital for future growth. The balance between immediate profits and future sustainability goals makes for an interesting outcome. Right now, CEOs are all about using AI to boost productivity but they’re also planning to hit net-zero emissions and find new ways to make money down the road. This dual focus reflects the need to create financial value for shareholders and address societal demands for sustainability. Although over half of CEOs see sustainability as a higher priority now compared to a year ago, only 28% of institutional investors agree. As with all things, greater collaboration will end in better results. Alignment between businesses, investors and policymakers could accelerate the shift to a sustainable, net-zero future. Better communication and collaboration among these three groups could be the key to solving problems like slow economic growth, lack of productivity, and the sluggish progress on addressing the climate emergency…

How CEOs juggle transformation priorities – the art of taking back control

2.  With great AI power comes great responsibility

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Every company should be investing a third of their AI budget into making sure that they’re managing AI risks, according to Samta Kapoor, EY Americas Energy AI and Responsible AI Leader. The rewards of AI and Gen AI could be great but already some of the unintended consequences have proved that the data it receives from open-source users cannot be retracted, changed or extracted#. And, because AI applies no discernment of its own, its data can be damaging or flat wrong. What happens when it all goes wrong? Consider the early adopters that released intellectual property and proprietary data in their rush to jump on the AI train. They’ve given us a clearer picture of the reputational risks and the limits we need to set for smart AI business practices. In this article, Samta looks at the five challenges to adopting AI responsibly. One of the trickiest parts is human bias. AI takes in everything it gets without judgment. So even innocent or accidental choices by users can influence its outcomes and become a lasting part of the AI system. To avoid serious mistakes, it’s a good idea to upskill the workforce and create a secure internal space for practice and experimentation. This way, we can better tackle human biases before using AI for external business tasks. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for AI governance. Leaders in AI need to deeply understand the tech, be aware of business risks, and have a lot of trust from their team…

Balance risk and reward with responsible AI

3. Underwrite the AI Wave

team regatta sailing ship

In the fast-paced world of insurance, companies are grappling with a host of emerging challenges—from the unpredictable impacts of climate change and cyber threats to the ever-growing expectations of customers who crave personalized service. Enter generative AI (GenAI) — holding the power to shake up the industry, spark new revenue streams, and drive operational efficiency. A staggering 99% of insurers worldwide are either already investing or planning to invest in GenAI. They’ve got their eye on the prize: sharper underwriting, smarter risk prediction, and tailor-made product suggestions. But it’s not all smooth sailing. The regulatory waters are murky, and while insurers are diving in headfirst, there’s a hint of caution in the air. They know that without the right infrastructure, governance, and skills, they might not fully reap the rewards of GenAI or keep up with the competition. The smart move? A dual-track approach. It’s about nurturing grassroots innovation while steering the ship with a clear, top-down strategy. The question isn’t if GenAI will transform the industry—it’s about how quickly insurers can adapt and how far they can go…

How to revolutionize insurance with generative AI

4. Teamwork makes the dream work

a woman looking up at the Thanksgiving Square spiral dallas

In today’s fast-paced business world, teaming up is the name of the game. Enterprises are increasingly turning to partner ecosystems to outpace the competition and deliver the complex, tech-driven products and services customers crave. Partner ecosystems, which leverage complementary strengths and expertise, can drive double-digit revenue growth and boost innovation, but only if managed correctly. Effective ecosystems require a solid foundation and proper guidance, yet even seasoned leaders can falter. Unfortunately, 77% of business leaders face challenges with their ecosystem strategies, often due to misaligned functions and lack of dedicated capabilities. Companies that get it right are 1.6 times more likely to succeed and capture 1.5 times more value. So, if you want to go further, go together, but make sure to build it right from the start…

Are you mastering your ecosystem strategy?

5. Could curious minds save the planet?

smiling woman in headphones working on laptop

Ever thought about joining forces with leading sciences to unlock new discoveries? That’s the heart of citizen science: where curiosity meets scientific inquiry. It’s a movement that’s catching fire – anyone can take part in cutting-edge research, allowing ordinary citizens to unlock answers and contribute to real discoveries. With millions globally pitching in each year, from counting penguins in Antarctica to tagging wildlife snapshots, passionate people are helping to accelerate data collection for critical research projects. Take Penguin Watch, for example. It’s not just about tallying those charming creatures; it’s a shining beacon of how we can bridge the resource gap in crucial studies. And it’s not all about the data – it’s about sparking a love for science in people, lighting up new interests and paths to explore. Surprisingly, only a quarter of US adults have dipped their toes into citizen science. Yet, once they do, most are hooked, often diving into diverse fields. It’s a win-win: research leaps forward, and companies cultivate a culture of learning and giving back. And on the horizon? It’s buzzing with the promise of AI…

How citizen scientists are mobilizing to save the planet

If you do one thing:

Lead with curiosity.

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