Firstly, I would like to thank the EFFAS Executive Management Committee and EFFAS members for their renewed faith in my leadership by returning me to the helm to guide EFFAS as we set a course for the next three years. My focus will be to strengthen and stimulate the representation of our members in financial institutions with the aim of contributing to the development of the financial markets to benefit our profession. At the same time, I will work with the training and qualifications team to continue growing our programmes and certifications for the benefit of our members and to add to our growing reputation as a leader in areas such as ESG and digital assets. I would like to thank AAFBR for so kindly hosting the EFFAS 2023 AGM in June in Bucharest along with their conference sponsors, the National Bank of Romania, and the Bucharest Stock Exchange. And APAF, BPI AM and the Lisbon School of Economics for the generous organisational support and sponsoring of the Summer School. I have dearly missed such interactions with individual members which for me is preferable to videoconferencing. I look forward to the next three-year term and hope to meet more of our membership in person to understand their visions for the future direction for financial analysts. Best regards, Dr. Jesús López Zaballos EFFAS Chairman |